How to support menopause in the workplace

Demystifying the menopause

1 hour talk for all staff
Build confidence and awareness for all staff seeking to gain practical advice around how to manage the menopause including HRT

Navigating the menopause

1 hour talk for staff
A deeper dive into strategies and treatments for managing menopausal symptoms including a guide to HRT and non-hormonal options

Ask the menopause doctor

1 hour Q&A session
This is a fantastic opportunity your workforce to ask questions. (Questions can be submitted in advance to preserve personal privacy in a group setting)

Menopause champion training

One day training course
Upskill employees to help others going through menopause with peer support and signposting.  Embedding the menopause friendly culture in every-day working life.
“Nina speaks from her personal experience of supporting a wide range of women, AND brings the medical knowledge around solutions too”.

Caring for a diverse workforce

The One Woman Health Menopause Awareness packages are helping organisations understand how to better support the diverse needs of the workforce.

Designed and delivered by One Woman Health founder Dr. Nina Wilson, presentations provide the knowledge base for all staff with an emphasis on examples of practical steps people can take at home or at work to help themselves, colleagues or loved ones. 

International Women's Day and World Menopause Day

What can employers do to support menopause at work?

Supporting the Menopause in the workplace can help ensure professional women continue to work productively during a critical time in their working lives.   International Women’s Day on 8th March and World Menopause Day on the 18th October every year are fantastic opportunities for themed activities and educational events designed to raise awareness and embed a culture that supports equality and diversity. 

“Women have told us that the right support makes all the difference and the evidence backs this up. Not having a menopause strategy is a blindspot for a company looking to recruit and retain top talent. 

Neglecting to raise workforce awareness around how to support women in menopause means individuals can be reluctant to ask for help, causing a decline in physical and mental well-being and at putting them at risk of encountering age and gender equality-related biases. ” Dr Nina Wilson – OWH Founder

Why is it important to support Menopause in the workplace?

Menopause affects 50% of the population for around one third to one half of their working life. This is the half associated with the greatest seniority, where absence can have a significant impact on business and recruitment costs are a high. The experience of Menopause is widely variable with symptoms that can directly impact productivity, job satisfaction, self-esteem and concentration. For many, the challenge can be overwhelming.

Women experiencing menopause are the fastest growing demographic in the workforce with the average age of natural menopause at 51, lost productivity can be damaging to an individual’s self-worth and job satisfaction and may increase absenteeism.

The right support at the right time can literally transform the experience of menopause and prevent problems from escalating. One Woman Health is committed to helping companies raise awareness among staff and empowering employees to help themselves and others, to put an end to the ‘menopause brain drain’.

‘Not having a menopause strategy is a blindspot for a company looking to recruit and retain top talent. 

One Woman Health is committed to helping companies raise awareness among staff and empowering employees to help themselves and others.’

Dr Nina Wilson - Founder One Woman Health

‘Women have told us that the right support makes all the difference’

The Fawcett society

Companies working with us

  • CIrcle Health Group Logo
    Circle Health Group

    Equality and Menopause

    Raising awareness of menopause in the workplace and helping staff to understand and recognise how to support women with symptoms. An oversubscribed event, with over 250 attendees, the seminar also aimed to help improve productivity and staff retention.

  • IEMA
    Institute of Environmental Management & Assessment

    Navigating the menopause
    Supporting all staff within the business to navigate the menopause. Also providing menopause champion training. One Woman Health has now rated IEMA  a menopause friendly organisation.

  • ABHI
    The Association of British HealthTech Industries

    Senior Human Resources professional focus
    Talking to Senior HR professionals and HR managers in the workplace, helping guide focus and strategy around what they needed to do to support the business adequately for women in menopause.

  • Aldermore Bank,
    Financial Services

    Menopause Q&A In conjunction with Menohealth, providing a Q&A session for all staff to improve support within the business of women experiencing the menopause and the wider teams.

A practical way to support Menopause in the workplace

If you want bring menopause awareness to your workplace, speak to Nina today and find out more about the One Woman Health Menopause Awareness packages.

Enable your workforce to:

  • Recognise the symptoms of menopause and perimenopause
  • Normalise and destigmatise menopause symptoms for both male and female employees
  • Raise awareness of the day-to-day workplace impact of the menopause
  • Gain clarity and avoid the pattern of self-blame
  • React to and manage challenges constructively
  • Have confidence in validating and empathising with how women are feeling
  • Remove gender and age-related biases that can impact productivity and confidence
  • Remove inconsistencies in the way the business supports diversity
  • Have confidence in providing appropriate support and signposting for further help. 

Sessions can be delivered remotely or in person. Work with Nina and demonstrate your business is committed to supporting the needs of the entire workforce during the menopause transition.


  1. Menopausal women are the fastest growing demographic in the workforce (The effects of menopause transition on women’s economic participation in the UK) Research report 2017 Brewis, Beck, Davies and Matheson – Department of Education.
  2. 50% of peri-menopausal or menopausal respondents across 10 British organisations, singled out the negative effects of menopause-transition related tiredness on work (Griffiths et al. 2010, 2013).
  3.  Menopause in the workplace – impact on women in financial services. Fawcett Society Oct 2021